

Without Pain


Will The Real Ergo Consultants Please Stand Up? | Dental Office Personal Trainer

In 2021 anyone can say they’re a “coach or consultant” …and they do! Dental Ergonomics is finally a hot topic so be on the lookout for what a legitimate Ergonomic ‘Consultant” looks like.Here’s why: Ergonomics in dentistry is about how the body moves in relation to the work environment and demand of the duties therein. …

Will The Real Ergo Consultants Please Stand Up? | Dental Office Personal Trainer Read More »

We Can’t Build a Puzzle With One Piece | Dental Office Personal Trainer

We all want the easy solution – a single “thing” we can obtain with minimal effort and maximum results. The reason that mindset doesn’t work is because ergonomics, like body pain and loss of function, is a multifaceted problem with multifaceted solutions. Said differently, buying a single item isn’t THE solution even when it can …

We Can’t Build a Puzzle With One Piece | Dental Office Personal Trainer Read More »

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result | Ergonomics in California

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Here you are… cancelling days of production, missing work, in pain, resenting your patients before they ever walk in the door, your passion for dentistry diminishing. You get the news: surgery is your only option. But how?? You went to the chiropractor every month …

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result | Ergonomics in California Read More »

A Strong Body Is The Foundation For Strong Ergonomics | Ergonomics in California

When you hear the word ‘ergonomics’ the first thing that you may think is ‘sit up straight’. What most of us overlook is, the reason we often do not sit up straight has everything to do with muscle development. Bones do not hold up bones. Not even vertebrae. Muscles hold and keep the bones in …

A Strong Body Is The Foundation For Strong Ergonomics | Ergonomics in California Read More »